Photo Credit: Arab media
IDF arresting suspect in Ramallah (archive)

A unit of IDF special forces on Monday morning clashed with Arabs at the al-Am’ari refugee camp in Ramallah, Israel Radio reported. The special forces soldiers were on their way to arrest a Fatah -Tanzim terrorist who is known as a weapons dealer. One of the soldiers was lightly injured from a thrown rock. Palestinian media reported that at least 28 Arabs were injured and required medical care.

The wanted man was not at home, but three of his associates were arrested.


Local Arabs told Ma’an that youth in the area “tried to defend” the home, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli forces, who responded with rubber-coated bullets and tear gas.

An IDF spokesperson said that “dozens of rioters hurled homemade explosive devices and rocks at [Israeli] forces. [The] forces called the rioters to stop the violence using riot dispersal means. Upon the continued assault the forces responded, shooting at the main instigators.”

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