Photo Credit: Avi Ohayon / GPO
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos at the presidential palace in Bogota, Sept 2017

The South American nation of Bolivia announced Tuesday that it has cut diplomatic ties with the Jewish State in response to the IDF operation to eradicate Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization from the enclave.

“We demand an end to the attacks on the Gaza Strip which have so far claimed thousands of civilian lives and caused the forced displacement of Palestinians,” Bolivia government minister María Nela Prada said in announcing the decision.


More than 200,000 Israelis have been “forcibly displaced” due to the October 7 invasion and massacre by Hamas that launched this war, many with no homes to return to and some with a reduced number of family members. The “Swords of Iron” war, as it has been named in Israel, came in response to horrific atrocities committed by a horde of some 2,000 Hamas terrorists during their October 7 invasion of southern Israel. On that day, Hamas terrorists and like-minded Gaza civilians murdered more than a thousand Israeli civilians and hundreds of soldiers, in addition to kidnapping hundreds of others.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry said in response to the announcement by the left-wing Bolivia government that its decision to cut diplomatic ties with Israel is a surrender to terrorism and to the Ayatollah’s regime in Iran.

“By taking this step, the Bolivian government is aligning itself with the Hamas terrorist organization, which slaughtered over 1,400 Israelis and abducted 240 people, including children, women, babies, and the elderly,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry said.

“Israel condemns Bolivia’s support of terrorism and its submission to the Iranian regime, which attest to the values the government of Bolivia represents.

“Since the change of government in Bolivia, relations between the countries have been devoid of content,” the ministry added.

Colombia, Chile Recall Ambassadors
The South American nations of Colombia and Chile have also both recalled their ambassadors from Israel “for consultation” in response to the IDF’s continuing war to eradicate Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization from the enclave.

“Citizens of Colombia, Chile and other Latin American countries are also among the victims of the heinous attack,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry pointed out in a separate statement.

“The State of Israel is fighting a war that was imposed on it; a war against a terrorist organization that uses the citizens of the Gaza Strip as human shields, commits war crimes and crimes against humanity, and violates the human rights of the citizens of Gaza as well as those of the citizens of Israel.

“Israel calls on Colombia and Chile to explicitly condemn the Hamas terrorist organization, which slaughtered and abducted babies, children, women and the elderly,” the ministry said.

“Israel expects Colombia and Chile to support the right of a democratic country to protect its citizens, and to call for the immediate release of all the abductees, and not align themselves with Venezuela and Iran in support of Hamas terrorism.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.