Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
The commotion outside the Bnei Brak makolet, April 14, 2021.

A four-month-old infant was brought by his father to a makolet (bodega) on Rambam Street in Bnei Brak after the infant had choked. The father carried his baby into the makolet and asked the store manager to call for help.

United Hatzalah volunteers responded to the emergency and succeeded in resuscitating the boy.


United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Lazar Margalit, who was one of the first responders at the scene reported: “When I arrived at the makolet together with other UH volunteers, I was told that the father brought the boy to the makolet to call for help. The boy had lost consciousness after having choked at home. I treated him and provided him with assisted breathing, and the boy revived and was semi-conscious when he was transported to the hospital.”

It wasn’t clear from the report why the father didn’t call for help from his apartment, and our friends at United Hatzalah told us their job is to save people, not ask too many questions.

Chag Same’ach.

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