Photo Credit: Google Maps
Rt. 60 near Ma’ale Levona.

A force of the Golani Brigade’s 12th Battalion around 3 AM Sunday shot at several masked suspects as part of a suspects’ arrest protocol in the Ma’ale Lavona area, near Eli, wounding one moderately, the IDF Spokesperson reported, and added that only after the shooting did it become clear that the suspects were Jewish. The injured person was taken for medical treatment at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem; the remaining suspects fled the scene.

According to the report, the suspects stood on the side of Rt. 60 and yelled and threw stones at cars that passed by. Unfortunately for them, the IDF was on high alert following the murder of two Israeli Jews in Huwara on Saturday (Father and Son from Ashdod Murdered in Huwara Terror Attack), so the attack on cars did not go under the radar.


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