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The IDF launched a massive operation in Jenin, July 3, 2023.

The IDF launched an extensive military operation overnight Monday in the city of Jenin and its refugee camp. Terrorist targets were attacked from the air, including the unified headquarters of the terrorist factions inside the refugee camp. PA media reported three dead and at least 25 wounded, seven of them in serious condition. No Israeli casualties were reported.


The IDF says that the purpose of the operation is to restore Israeli deterrence in northern Samaria, especially in Jenin. Hundreds of fighters from the commando brigade and elite units are participating in the operation, accompanied by dozens of aircraft and engineering vehicles.

According to a security source, the IDF boosted the air defense systems in the south for fear of rocket fire from Gaza.

Operation Home and Garden (Bayit v’Gan) began at 1:20 AM, with an IDF air attack on Jenin. The decision to launch the operation was received some two weeks ago, and the Netanyahu government waited for the end of the Muslim Holiday of the sacrifice. According to Kan11 News, the PA in Ramallah was informed ahead of the operation.

The main target was the terrorist headquarters inside the Jenin refugee camp, which gave shelter to terrorists who have recently been involved in terror attacks.

IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari reported: “Explosives were found in the refugee camp that the terrorists planned to throw at the fighters. We did not come to occupy the camp. This is not an operation against the Palestinian Authority, but against terrorism and the terrorist organizations in Jenin that make the lives of the Palestinian citizens there terrible.”

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