Photo Credit: Western Wall Heritage Foundation
Argentina's President Javier Milei went straight to the Western Wall in Jerusalem upon his arrival in Israel on Feb. 6, 2024

Argentina’s President Javier Milei reiterated his vow to move his country’s embassy to Jerusalem on Tuesday upon his arrival in Israel. He first went to the Western Wall.


Milei was accompanied by Argentina’s Foreign Minister Diana Mondino, Secretary General of the Presidency Karina Elizabeth Milei, and Rabbi Axel Wahnish, who he appointed to become Argentina’s Ambassador to Israel.

The Argentine president went directly to the Western Wall from the airport, where he prayed and lit a memorial candle for the victims and fallen soldiers of the Oct. 7 war with Hamas.

“I want to express unwavering support for the State of Israel,” Milei said in a statement. “I defend the nation of Israel’s right to self-defense in the face of the terrorist attacks. Darkness has never been able to defeat light, so we will see the light and the end the war successfully,” he said.

Milei was received by the rabbi of the Western Wall and holy sites, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, and by the director of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, Mordechai (Suli) Eliav, who explained to him the importance of the site and the yearnings of the Jewish people for Jerusalem throughout the generations.

The president signed the Western Wall visitors’ book, writing: “I seek wisdom, courage, and strength to be a worthy channel for the work of the Creator. Only words of thanks.”

Rabbi Rabinowitz thanked the president for his warm and clear support for the Jewish people and the State of Israel, and blessed him for his special connection with the Jews of Argentina and Judaism, and for his announcement to move the Argentinian embassy to Jerusalem.

This is Milei’s first diplomatic visit to Israel as president of Argentina.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz had welcomed the Argentine leader at Ben Gurion International Airport.

“You are a person of values who is committed solely to the truth; it is no wonder you chose to come to Israel immediately to support us in the just struggle for the defense of the Jewish people against the murderers of Hamas,” Katz said in his remarks.

“Thank you for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and for now announcing the transfer of the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish people and the State of Israel! Welcome to Israel Mr. President – Viva La Libertad Carajo!”.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also “warmly welcomed” Milei — and “the fact that president has kept his promise.” The prime minister’s office (PMO) in a statement that the two leaders will meet on Wednesday to discuss the continued tightening of bilateral ties.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.