Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh / Flash 90
Armed terrorists in Shechem. December 13, 2021.

The IDF reported that in a joint operation with the Shin Bet (Israel’s anti-terror General Security Service) its forces attacked, in an air strike, a hideout apartment in the Balata neighborhood in Shechem/Nablus, killing Muhammad Zahad. The IDF said Zahad was a “major” terrorist in the city of Shechem.

Zahad was involved in a shooting attack in April 2023 in Jerusalem which resulted in the injury of two Israeli citizens. He also took part in a hostile military sabotage activity in the Balata neighborhood and formed a terrorist squad consisting of the camp’s youth which he armed with explosives and weapons for the purpose of terrorist operations against the IDF forces entering the camp.


In the past, Zahad carried out several shooting attacks against IDF forces, sent terrorists to carry out attacks and captured the camp against IDF forces. In addition, Zahad received weapons and terrorist funds to promote attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers and began to manufacture explosive devices.

In addition, during the activity in Balata, a laboratory for the production of explosive charges was located and destroyed which contained several ready-to-use charges. Also, IDF engineering tools uncovered explosives planted under and on the sides of the road to harm the fighters.

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