Photo Credit: TPS
Scene of the terror attack in the southern Hebron Hills. Jan.. 11, 2023

An Israeli man, age 25, was stabbed and moderately wounded at Havat Yehuda, near Shim’ah, in the South Hebron Hills region of Judea, on Wednesday afternoon, a little before 5 PM.

Paramedics from Magen David Adom provided treatment for upper body injuries at the scene before taking him to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva in stable condition. The family asks for prayers for Elyashiv (Nachum) ben Osnat Menucha. The young man is the son-in-law of Noam Arnon, the spokesperson for the Jewish community in Hebron.


A Jewish electrician who was present at the scene shot and killed the attacker. [Updated]

MDA Paramedic Elyashiv Ameti said, “When we arrived at the scene, we saw that the wounded man was fully conscious and suffering from bleeding injuries in his upper body. We gave him medical treatment that included stopping the bleeding and bandages and evacuated him for further treatment in the hospital when his condition was moderate and stable. The terrorist was neutralized.”

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