Photo Credit: Courtesy of Beyadenu
Waqf employees dumping garbage on the Temple Mount.

The group “Beyadenu – Returning to the Temple Mount” has filed a petition with Israel’s High Court of Justice against the government, the police, and the Jerusalem municipality. Their petition calls for immediate action to prevent the Jordanian Waqf from disposing of garbage within the Temple Mount area.

Historical records have documented instances where waste was improperly disposed of on the Temple Mount by garbage trucks. These records reveal multiple vehicles depositing garbage in this sacred location without any enforcement or intervention. Public condemnation of this behavior was expressed by the Israel Antiquities Authority.


Over the past year, Beyadenu has made several attempts to engage relevant authorities to halt the dumping of garbage at the holy site, but their efforts have yielded no results. The petition stresses that this is not an isolated incident. When the organization sought assistance from the Jerusalem police, they were informed that “garbage disposal on the Temple Mount is conducted as usual,” an assertion deemed nonchalant and dismissive. The group argues that the issue of garbage disposal has been given insufficient attention.

Attorney Menashe Yado, representing Beyadenu, contends that “garbage removal is carried out near a site of significance, within the Ezrat Yisrael area, considered sacred by the Jewish people.”

According to the petitioners, this constitutes a serious violation of religious sanctity and the profound emotional connection of Jews to the site of the Holy of Holies.

Tom Nissani, CEO of Beyadenu, expressed concern, stating, “Imagine what would happen if, heaven forbid, garbage were deposited in front of the Vatican’s Papal residence. The situation on the Temple Mount is even more grave. Until the State of Israel demonstrates reverence for its holy places, it cannot expect others to respect its connection to them.”

Nissani added, “Anyone assuming that the garbage disposal on the Holy of Holies is accidental, is mistaken. There appears to be a deliberate effort to degrade and humiliate the sanctity of the site. Safeguarding the sanctity of the Temple Mount is a national imperative. The Jerusalem police, the Jerusalem municipality, and the State of Israel cannot evade responsibility for the actions of the Waqf on the Temple Mount.”

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