Photo Credit: Issam RImawi/FLASH90
Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter with a friend, May 02, 2013.

Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, which is the country’s equivalent of a foreign office, on Wednesday issued a statement saying, “In view of the volatile situation in the Middle East, Switzerland must be able to act swiftly and in a coordinated fashion. At its meeting of 11 October 2023, the Federal Council decided to set up a task force to monitor the situation as closely as possible and take whatever decisions are necessary.”

“The decision was taken in light of the new situation since the attack by the militant group Hamas on Israel on October 7 and the resumption of hostilities in the Middle East,” the FDFA added.


Six PA-based and five Israeli NGOs were affected. They claim to be active in the field of human rights and are supported by the Department’s cooperation programs in the Middle East.

According to the FDFA, “The decision makes it possible to conduct an in-depth analysis of the compliance of these organizations’ communications with the FDFA’s code of conduct and anti-discrimination clause, to which the external partners are subject. The FDFA’s cooperation activities in the Middle East must adapt to the new context that has prevailed since the resumption of hostilities. The relevance and feasibility of the programs will have to be analyzed in general terms.”

The FDFA said it attached “great importance to ensuring that its financial support is used appropriately,” and that it “systematically carries out rigorous monitoring of all its partners, through on-site visits or exchanges with third parties.”

The bottom line is, that the nice folks in Bern saw the videos from the October 7 massacre and figured they could be held liable for these atrocities if their money was found to be involved in some way in supporting them. Aggressive lawyers like Nitsana Darshan-Leitner are just waiting for such an opportunity.

For a more elaborate examination of Swiss support for Arab terrorism check out:

Swiss Funding Political Advocacy NGOs: Hypocrisy, Not Neutrality.

Swiss Government Hides Information on Millions for BDS-Funding Framework.

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