Photo Credit: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90
Itzik Medina

Itzik Medina, an anti-government activist from Petach Tikva, was detained on Monday by police. According to police, they received information from the Shabak that Medina was intending to commit a violent attack against a public figure. Police did not name the public figure.

After questioning the suspect, Medina was released without any restrictions. Medina says he never threatened anyone, according to a YNet report.

Anarchists protest outside Petach Tikva police station, demanding the release of Itzik Medina. June 26, 2023.

During his time in the police station, dozens, and eventually hundreds of the over-60 noisy, anti-government anarchist held a demonstration outside the station demanding Medina’s release. Some of the protesters claimed he was arrested under orders by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. Though considering how little the police brass seem to listen to Ben Gvir, that claim sounds a tad exaggerated.

Considering the seriousness of the claims, Medina appears to have received kid gloves treatment compared to what settlers typically receive at the hands of the police. The double-standard in how the anarchists are treated by the police compared to other groups has been a point of contention and even discussed in the Knesset.

Update: According to Channel 14 reporter Shirel Lalum Nehari, upon seeing Itzkik Medina on TV, she recognized him as the protester who attacked her 6 months ago, when she was pregnant and reporting from one of the protests.

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