Photo Credit: Mendy Hechtman / Flash 90
A memorial candle in Tzfat

Mrs. Malka Katz, the mother of Foreign (and Transportation) Minister Yisrael Katz, has passed away. She will be laid to rest on Sunday at 4:00 pm in the cemetery at Kfar Achim.

The family asked the media to respect its privacy at this time and to avoid coverage of the funeral.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement Saturday evening after being informed of the death of the minister’s mother. He and the minister spoke briefly during which Netanyahu also personally conveyed his condolences.

“My wife Sara and I share the sorrow of Yisrael and Ronit Katz for the passing of his mother Malka Katz z’l. Malka survived the hardships of the Holocaust, immigrated to Eretz Israel and built a home and a family, who absorbed the splendor and love of the land and its people. My wife and I hold the hands of the Katz family in their grief. May her memory be blessed,” the statement said.

Shiva will take place at the home of Minister Katz, 28 HaCremim Street, Moshav Achim.

Yehi zichra baruch.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.