Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Minister of Information Galit Distel Atbaryan.

Minister of Information Galit Distel-Atbaryan (Likud) on Monday night faced a mob of angry anarchists in Ra’anana, members of the crypto-fascist militia Black Flags, who pushed violently against her police detail in a scene reminiscent of a pogrom.


The anarchists crashed a Likud election event that was being held in a Ra’anana hotel. The protesters blocked the entry of Ministers Distel-Atbaryan and Israel Katz, and MK David Bitan by handcuffing themselves to the hotel’s entrance. A large police force fought with the attackers, but some of them managed to enter the hotel and disrupt the meeting.

The police reported: “Hundreds of protesters gathered at the doors of the hotel and for a short time some of them managed to enter the conference hall inside while attacking, allegedly using violence, the police officers and causing property damage.”

Two anarchists were injured lightly in their clash with police and were evacuated to the Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba.

In the videos, Minister Distel-Atbaryan is seen being rescued by police after the event had been stopped. Minister Katz was also escorted by police to the exit.

Distel-Atbaryan tweeted: “Look what eight months of trading in hate and panic have done. Watch the video and tell me if you think it’s sane.”

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