Photo Credit: Israel Police
Policeman searching for illegal weapons, May 25, 2023.

Israel Police detained 54 suspects for questioning overnight Thursday, in an extensive operation to seize illegal weapons. The operation involved Police and Border Guard officers who carried out 82 searches.

Illegal weapons seized by Israel Police, May 25, 2023. / Israel Police

Many weapons were captured, including ten M16 rifles, Kalashnikovs, Carlos, pistols, three tube charges, weapon parts, 16 fireworks beehives, combat equipment, and a large amount of ammunition. Security forces also seized a large variety of illegal drugs and tens of thousands of shekels in cash.

Combat equipment seized by Israel Police, May 25, 2023. / Israel Police

Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai praised the success of the nationwide operation and stressed that the police carry out similar activities year-round while investing technology and tremendous human efforts.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir said: “It’s a very important police operation to fight crime, following the operation on Monday. Kudos to the police commissioner, the commanders, and the hundreds of police officers. The message is that we must continue, with consistency and determination. Indeed, yesterday we delivered a huge, NIS 9 billion ($2.41 billion) budget to the ministry and its entities, to strengthen and fight crime.”

The government budget that was approved this week adds NIS 9 billion to the National Security Ministry, to finance the hiring of 4,850 new police officers, and a 20-40% raise across the board to rank and file police and prison service officers. The increase will also pay for establishing a national guard where citizens will enroll to guard and defend their own neighborhoods against criminals and terrorists.

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