Photo Credit: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90
Meretz party chairman Nitzan Horowitz, former PM Ehud Barak, and former Labor MK Stav Shaffir announcing their newly formed Democratic Camp, July 25, 2019.

Sources in Meretz on Sunday criticized the political platform of the Democratic Camp union with Ehud Barak and Stav Shafir because it does not mention the term “Two States for Two Peoples,” referring instead to a general commitment to striving for a political settlement, Reshet Bet radio reported.

The same sources also criticized the fact that although there is a clause in the platform that speaks of not serving in a right-wing government, tut there is no such commitment to not entering a unity government, even if the Likud puts it together.


Meretz chairman Nitzan Horowitz, who also heads the fledgling, joint party, told Reshet Bet the 2-state criticism was baseless, saying: “We wrote general principles and guidelines that do not eliminate any of our principles. Of course, the two-state solution is the only possibility for reaching peace and an agreement here, unequivocally.”

So why not say so openly?

Horowitz explained: “As in every move and connection, there are all sorts of issues and problems that exist in every political party and organization. But when you look at the benefits, they are bigger than any problem and any dispute. When I came to these elections, I said in the clearest way that we need to increase our strength, we have to lead the agenda in the State of Israel.”

But the same disgruntled sources inside Meretz also criticized the fact that Meretz receives only four seats out of the first 11 slots of the Democratic Camp, despite the fact that Meretz is the main party and the supposed leader of the new union. This means that even if the Democratic Camp wins an amazing election victory, Meretz would remain with the same representation it had in the previous Knesset: four MKs.

Despite the criticism, the agreement is expected to be approved today by the Meretz conference.

Horowitz referred in the radio interview to Ehud Barak’s connections with pedophile businessman Jeffrey Epstein, saying: “The minute he told me he had cut off all contacts with this person, the road to cooperation was opened.”

“We are in the midst of a political process that’s leading to an increase of the leftist bloc in the coming elections,” the Meretz leader stressed. “I prefer to look at the advantages and benefits that this connection brings us.”

From the outside it is difficult at the moment to understand what the Meretz chairman is talking about, especially when, clearly, the Israeli Arab voters who saved the party’s hide in April will think twice before voting for Ehud Barak, under whose watch (and some argue on his command) the killing of 13 Arab rioters took place in 2000.

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