Photo Credit: Rotter
Electric grid sabotage - see the metal wire attached to the stone on the power lines.

Following a deliberate sabotage of an electrical power line, there have been disruptions in the power supply to a number of towns in Gush Etzion, a cluster of Jewish settlements in the Judaean Mountains, directly south of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, a Rotter citizen reporter said. Power disruptions hit the communities of Tekoa, Nokdim, Kfar Eldad, and Sdeh Bar.

Sources at the Gush Etzion Regional Council have said the power failure overnight and Friday morning in the area was the result of sabotage of the electric line. Using a stone for weight, someone threw a metal fence wire onto the power line in one of the Arab villages in the Gush, causing the line to fail.


Currently, the Nokdim area is receiving power from the Arab owned East Jerusalem Electric Company. IEC teams, protected by security forces, are preparing to enter the village to make the necessary repairs.

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