The Order of Assassins existed between 1090 and 1275 CE and subsisted on the covert murder of Muslims and Christians that were ordered by the Nizari Isma’ili sect, which was the second-largest branch of Shia Islam. Their name came from the Persian “Ḥashshāshīyīn” and the Venetian traveler Marco Polo reported that the assassins used hashish to fortify them with the type of courage to commit the assassinations of the most intrepid kind.
According to a News12 report, some of the terrorists who participated in the surprise attack on October 7 used the drug Heptagon when they committed the inhuman murders. Evidence of this was found both on the person of Hamas prisoners and in the pockets of terrorists’ corpses.
תיעוד שצילם חבר שלי בישובי העוטף: המחבלים הגיעו עם שקיות של קוקאין לתמרוץ היצר השטני שלהם pic.twitter.com/fq0ITQZp9d
— אלחנן גרונר (@elchangr) October 12, 2023
Captagon, Biocapton, and Fitton are brand names for the psychostimulant Fenethylline. Fenethylline is metabolized by the body to form two drugs, amphetamine, and theophylline, both of which are active stimulants. Fenethylline is mostly produced in Syria and Lebanon. Reports in the British press have suggested the drug is playing a role in the Syrian Civil War, as the production and sale of fenethylline generates large revenues, and fenethylline is used as a stimulant by combatants.
ISIS fighters were known to ingest fenethylline to suppress their fear before going to battle.