Photo Credit: Flash 90
Kassam rocket at Sderot, located about one mile from northern Gaza. (file)

At least 12 people were wounded Tuesday afternoon and evening in ongoing rocket attacks from Gaza.

In the afternoon hours, Gaza terrorists unleashed a barrage of 22 rockets aimed at Jewish communities in southern Israel just as young children were being released from their schools.


The attacks came within seconds of the Red Alert incoming rocket siren activated in the southern border city of Sderot, and in the towns and villages of Ibim, Nir Am, Erez, Sufa, Nir Yitzchok, and Sde Abraham.

Four of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome aerial defense system, according to the IDF, indicating they were heading to a populated area.

The backyard of a home in Sderot was struck by one of the rockets and several vehicles were damaged as well. In addition, another projectile damaged a construction site in the border city of Sderot, wounding three people.

A fire also began to spread near Ibim as a result of one of the rockets.

Magen David Adom (MDA) EMTs and Paramedics treated three people with shrapnel wounds at the scene before taking them to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. One of the victims was listed in serious condition; the other two sustained mild injuries, MDA reported.

“The victim was lying on the ground floor, semi-conscious and with shrapnel wounds,” said MDA Senior EMT Matanel Iluz. “We immediately provided medical aid on scene, including bandaging and administering pain relief medication,” Iluz said. The victim was transported to the hospital in a medical ICU ambulance. The two other workers were also taken to the hospital, both in good condition.

In addition, MDA medics treated two women, one age 49 who was injured while racing to a protected area, and a 25-year-old woman who suffered severe anxiety, before taking both to a hospital as well.

“An ambulance team of the Rescue Union provided first aid to a 70-year-old man who tripped and was injured while on his way to the protected area. At this stage his condition is considered mild,” a spokesperson for United Hatzalah added.

“United Hatzalah’s dispatch center is fielding dozens of calls from residents of the Gaza periphery regarding the sirens and rocket barrage who are asking for assistance.”

Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon subsequently reported that it had treated a dozen victims over the course of the day, including for trauma due to the attacks.

Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization and its ally in the enclave, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group both took responsibility for the rocket salvo Tuesday afternoon.

“This is the first response to the crime [the death of Khader Adnan in Israeli jail] which will bring further responses from our nation in all regions,” the terrorists said. “We shall stay faithful to the blood of our martyrs and prisoners and this matter will always be at the top of our priorities.”

The attack follows one launched earlier in the day, in which three rockets and a mortar shell were fired at southern Israeli towns near the Gaza border in response to the death of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist Khader Adnan, who refused medical treatment during and after an 87-day hunger strike in an Israeli prison.

The IDF responded with tank fire aimed at terrorist positions in Gaza; residents of southern Israeli communities were advised to stay close to their safe spaces during the day.

NOTE: Following Tuesday’s rocket fire, Israel’s Health Ministry — via the ERAN Association — announced it will increase emotional support availability at the telephone hotline 1201. Resilience centers operated by the Health Ministry and other ministries in Sderot and the Sha’ar Negev Regional Council are also prepared to receive those who are suffering anxiety and to provide emotional support.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.