Photo Credit: Orionist / Wikipedia / Public Domain

The twitter account of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel exposed a shocking video of demonstrators in Brooklyn, New York marching in protest against Israel on Friday night, in response to the “not guilty” verdict for Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin.


The protesters at the Rittenhouse verdict protest waved PLO flags and yelled , “If Palestine doesn’t (get “justice”) shut (the system) down!”, “Free, free, Palestine!” and “Intifada, Intifada”.

What connection Israel has to Kyle Rittenhouse or his not guilty verdict remains unclear.

According to IBSI, this demonstration was promoted by the group Equality for Flatbush.

Rittenhouse shot three people, killing two of them during the August 2020 riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse claimed he had acted in self-defense after being attacked by the people he shot. Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilt on all charges against him.

Rioting and looting have broken out in multiple locations across the United States in response to the not guilty verdict.

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