Photo Credit: Mr Miyogi YouTube screengrab
George Floyd attackers aim at US Embassy in central Athens

The US Embassy in Athens was attacked Wednesday just before nightfall by a gang of terrorists hiding behind the guise of George Floyd protesters.

More than 4,000 people reportedly marched in Athens towards the US Embassy, ostensibly over the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, and “in solidarity with the US rebellion taking place in towns and cities across America.”


When the march reached the fortified American Embassy in central Athens, anarchists attacked the riot police who were guarding the building. At least six were armed with flaming Molotov cocktails. It appeared that the march had largely dissipated by the time it got to the embassy — or at least, by the time the dramatic firebombing got underway.

The attackers were clearly intent on creating a dramatic show for the bevy of photographers who were waiting to capture the scene on camera at the site.

There were about a dozen anarchists at the scene plus the Greek riot police who appeared to put in a halfhearted effort but failed to block the thugs from hurling the firebombs.

Of course, one has to question how and why the rioters managed to get as close to the embassy building as they did, much less with firebombs, with riot police in attendance. That picture just does not add up.

Isn’t it fortunate that the attackers’ aim was so bad that all of their firebombs just happened to land in the street and none were aimed at the embassy itself?

The attackers waited to make sure all the media photographers and television camera crews were in place and ready to go before starting their sprint with the firebombs.

They also coordinated their moves so as to all fling their Molotov cocktails in front of the building, centered nicely, so the photographers would get a great shot of the flames and smoke rising up in a great dramatic conflagration – at least for a good few seconds.

Good optics are so important, aren’t they?

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.