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Many business owners come to me with one question: How do I get my name into the media?

There are two options: Pitch yourself to journalists for interviews or write op-eds for media outlets.


Not only could these opportunities raise your profile – having these logos on your website also increases your credibility and can help you bring in more clients.

As a publicist, I’ve gotten my clients into places like Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, and Real Time With Bill Maher, along with many Jewish newspapers and podcasts. Now, I’m sharing my advice on how you can do the same.

Here are my tips for getting into the media and building your brand:

  1. Hire a publicist who has a wide range of high-profile media connections to help you. Pitching yourself doesn’t look great; it’s all about the optics. If you have a publicist, you come across as somebody important. Journalists and media outlets will be much more likely to take interest in you.
  2. Figure out your distinct angle. What makes you unique? What do you have to say that is different than everyone else?
  3. For op-eds: Look at what kind of content that media outlet publishes. Would your perspective fit into it? Do you fit their ideological viewpoint, if there is one?
  4. For interviews, find journalists who cover your topic. You can use services like MuckRack, HARO, or Qwoted – MuckRack charges, while the other two are free – or do a simple Google search using the News tab.
  5. If you want to write an op-ed, are you a good writer? Or do you need to hire a ghostwriter? Submitting a poorly written piece is never a good idea.
  6. Make sure any content you submit fits within a paper’s guidelines. If they accept 600–800-word pieces, don’t submit a 1,400-word piece. If they want a Google Doc, don’t send a Microsoft Word doc. Don’t attach an article. Instead, copy and paste it into an email, because an attachment could be sent to Spam. Always follow directions or you risk being ignored.
  7. Do some media training with your publicist prior to talking with a journalist so you know what to say and how to act properly.
  8. When doing an interview, be incredibly nice to the journalist and get back to them within a maximum of 24 hours. After all, they are giving you an opportunity to get your name out there. You must treat them with the utmost respect. Don’t ask to review an article before it publishes, either – if they offer, great! If not, journalists typically don’t like doing this.
  9. When your interview/op-ed publishes, share it widely on social media, thanking and tagging the outlet/journalist. Write them a thank you email as well.
  10. Once you establish a solid relationship with an outlet, pitch them new ideas! This is the easiest way to keep getting press.

By taking these steps, you will have a greater chance of increasing visibility of your business, establishing your credibility, and boosting your bottom line.

If you have further questions, feel free to email me: [email protected].


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Kylie Ora Lobell is a writer and the president of KOL Digital Marketing, a marketing and PR firm for Jewish organizations, authors, and influencers.