Photo Credit: Jewish Press

My oldest daughter is four years old. She made me a mommy. It’s funny, because before I got pregnant with her, I wrote a children’s book for the children of Jewish converts called Jewish Just Like You. In it, I’m talking to my beautiful blonde daughter – and that’s exactly who my first child turned out to be. Now, my daughter loves the book I wrote for her before I knew her. She says, “Mommy, you weren’t born Jewish, but now you are, right?” and enjoys seeing herself in it.

I never could have imagined that motherhood would be this incredible. My four-year-old and my other daughter, who is two, make me proud every single day. Motherhood is a fascinating rollercoaster ride and the ultimate tool for self-growth; nothing is as challenging or rewarding as being a mom. I thank Hashem for giving me this amazing gift, the opportunity to call myself “mommy” to my wonderful little blessings.


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Kylie Ora Lobell is a writer and the president of KOL Digital Marketing, a marketing and PR firm for Jewish organizations, authors, and influencers.