Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Four is a number that stands out to me in so many ways. When I go out to eat, I enjoy a minimum of four courses. There are currently four restaurants in Manhattan I’m trying to dine at. I usually like to bring a minimum of four people with me so we can try so many items on the menu.

In all seriousness during this time of the year the number four is also the month of April which happens to be the month Pesach is in (according to the solar calendar). The number four is symbolized over and over in the Haggadah. First there are four cups of wine, there are four different types of sons, and there are four promises of redemption.


During these crazy times with our hearts in Israel the four promises of redemption really resonate. Now more than ever we pray for Hashem to save us from Hamas, bring our hostages home and out of Gaza, bring them all back to Israel, and have our nation come together as one. We all pray for better times and may the four promises of redemption happen speedily and in the coming days. Amen!

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Gabriel Boxer – aka the Kosher Guru – is a social media personality spreading the love of living a kosher lifestyle in a fun filled way, along with being an advocate of Israel and the Jewish people.