Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Lenny Solomon

The ability to get pregnant easily without procedures is a tremendous blessing. Whenever I hear about a couple who gets pregnant within the first couple of months of their marriage, I think baruch Hashem. The reason we are put here on earth is not only to be a great person and correct our issues that will come up during our lives, but also to have children that will follow in the path of Torah and continue the branches of our tree.

Thank G-d, technology has increased so much that there are measures available to help a woman get pregnant even later in their married life. The genetics and the bio-technology is astounding. It is a gift from Hashem that enables people to conceive where had they lived in another era they would not have been able to. But in today’s world with great organizations like Machon Puah, it is a reality that more couples can conceive. May the technology continue to advance so that every married couple will be able to fulfill the mitzvah of pru u’revu with ease.


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Lenny Solomon is a Jewish musician who has released 42 albums and has performed in over 2000 shows worldwide. He is the founder of the band Shlock Rock and a partner in the Kesher band. He is executive director of The 4 Corners Project, a nonprofit that produces informal Jewish educational projects using music and media. He lives in Bet Shemesh, Israel.