Photo Credit: Jewish Press

As Shavuos approaches, and the days of sefira are climbing, we draw closer to our annual re-acceptance of the Torah. There is no place that represents the giving of the Torah more than that mountain in the wilderness.

In Zos Habracha (Devarim 33:22), as Moshe began to deliver his final blessing to the people, Moshe said, “Hashem came from Sinai…” Why does Moshe say he came from Sinai? It should say he went.


I’d like to share an answer that will help us prepare for Shavuos. The first is Rashi’s approach. He says that Hashem came like a chasan coming out from the chuppah to bring His kallah, Bnei Yisrael, into it.

Shavuos is our wedding day, when we recommit ourselves to our relationship with Hashem. We don’t just look at our photo album and videos from the wedding, we re-experience it. We relive it. Building on this, the Ramban tells us that from Sinai means, ever since Sinai, Hashem’s presence has dwelled with us. It is not a one-way relationship where only we remember our anniversary, but Hashem does as well.

During Shavuos, besides the exciting dairy menus, let’s remember the day, the commitment, and the love conjured by the place where it all happened, Sinai.

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Shira Boshnack has been the co-director of OU-JLIC at Brooklyn College for the last fourteen years. She holds a master’s degree in education from Nova Southeastern University. A veteran kallah teacher, she has taught over 400 women.