Photo Credit: Jewish Press

One of the core fundamental beliefs we have in Judaism is that of techiyas hameisim; resurrection of the deceased. Maimonides even includes it as one of his 13 principles of the Jewish faith. It is not just the literal interpretation that the dead people will come back to life during the time of Mashiach, but the underlying core message is that nothing is finite. There is no end to our soul, to our neshama which is a crucial part and foundation to our beliefs. The world around us has a sense, a belief that once we finish this journey called life; that it is over and we are done.

We look at life as a prozdor, a corridor getting ready to enter the next stage of life. It is all preparation for what is yet to come. This gives us a sense of hope as opposed to looking at life as finite, final, as in “You have reached your final destination,” which sends a gloomy dreary message. On the other hand, techiyas hameisim gives one hope, and revives not only literally the dead, it actually revives our outlook on life. It motivates us to be better people. To do more and be more. It offers us the prospect of eternal life and rectification of our human experience.


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Jordana Baruchov or better known as @Drinkitin_Jordana is a Middle school dean by morning... Associate Director of Mentorship for Olami by afternoon and Torah Influencer, motivational speaker, podcaster, Mother and Grandmother by night. Jordana inspires thousands with her positive outlook and everyday life lesson through a Torah lens with her Drink it in videos, Drink it in podcast or simply fun Carpool Reels.