Photo Credit: Jewish Press

To some they’re the very basis of our life. To others they’re just silly traditions. And yet even within our own religious communities, traditions vary greatly.

One of the things I love about the DansDeals forums is the diversity in our members – people coming together from all different walks of life. We frequently discuss our differences and educate each other on the beauty of our own traditions and customs. I was invited to a Shabbos meal and I was slightly shocked when everyone began by eating crumbs. The host must have seen the puzzled look on my face because he kindly explained how normally, eating crumbs is an ayin hara for being poor. However, they make a point to eat crumbs today to show that all food is chashuv on Shabbos.


Traditions have the power to unify and hopefully one day soon we will get to celebrate those traditions together with our foreparents who handed them down to us, with Mashiach now!


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JJ co-runs DansDeals with his brother, Dan. He lives in Miami with his wife Basha, their son Carmy, and newly added triplets. He received rabbinical ordination and had just started Penn Law when he joined DansDeals.