As we mentioned last time, chicken or meat leftovers can be used in a variety of ways. First, you have to evaluate how much food is available and then with easy planning you can calculate how many family meals can be prepared from it.

The following are some wonderful suggestions for meals.


Chicken and Rice in Ring Mold


3 cups cooked rice
4 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup parve milk
4-5 onions
4 tbsp oil
Salt, pepper
1 tbsp parsley flakes
1 tsp. turmeric (optional)


1 cup raw mushrooms, sliced
2-3 tbsp flour
1-cup chicken soup
½ cup cooked stir fry vegetables cut into small pieces
2 cups diced cooked chicken
2 tsp. crushed garlic or garlic powder
Salt and pepper
½ red pepper, diced


Fry onions in 4 TBS. oil until transparent. Set aside half of fried onions for sauce.

Mix rice, ½ fried onions, eggs, parve milk salt, pepper, dried parsley and turmeric (optional).

Pour into well greased ring mold and pack in tightly. Spray top with oil spray. Bake for 20 minutes at 350°. Remove from oven and turn onto flat plate.

Sauce: Use remaining fried onions, add sliced fresh mushrooms and heat thoroughly. Sprinkle on flour, add soup and vegetables while cooking on low heat. Add chicken and spices. Add red pepper pieces. Pour hot sauce in center of rice mold. Heat and serve immediately.

Tip: If you have extra sauce you can serve it as a side dish with chicken dish.

Chicken with Vegetables in Wine

How about using a little wine to rehydrate and perk up a dish?


1 red pepper
1 green pepper
2 small zucchinis
2 tomatoes
2 tbsp oil
1 cup dry white wine
4 cooked chicken quarters


Wash and slice all vegetables. Sauté in oil for about 10 minutes. Arrange chicken in a baking dish. Pour vegetables on top. Add wine and bake for 30 minutes in a 350° oven. Serve immediately.



Chicken Kugel


4 cups of cooked chicken
2 cups of any cooked vegetables such as carrots, potatoes and zucchini
6 eggs
1 cup flour
2 tbsp. oil

Mix all ingredients and pour into oiled 9 by 13 pan. Bake for an hour on 375.

Stuffed Peppers

A colorful dish which can be put together in minutes.


8 green or red peppers
1 cup cooked quinoa
½ cup fried onions, drained
1 cup of any cooked and diced colorful root vegetable
2 cups cooked chicken
2 tbps tomato paste
2 tsp. sugar
2 tsp. garlic
2 tbsp oil
Salt, pepper
Tomato sauce to cover (about 2 cups)


Cut off the top of peppers in order to create cups. Rinse each pepper and pat dry.

Mix quinoa, chicken, vegetables, tomato paste, onions, oil, garlic salt and pepper. Stuff peppers firmly.

Arrange cut size up in a greased baking dish. Pour tomato sauce over and around them. Bake 350° for an hour. Serve hot.

Chicken or Turkey with Pasta

A great dish to use up turkey and pasta leftovers.


2 cups cooked chicken or turkey
2 cups cooked pasta
½ cup mayonnaise
2 tbsp. mustard
2 tsp. paprika
2 tbsp. oil
1 1/2 cups mushroom sauce
1/2 cup diced onions
Salt, pepper to taste
1 cup bread crumbs toasted with 1 tbsp. of oil


Mix all ingredients except the toasted bread crumbs. Pour into a greased baking pan. Cover generously with toasted bread crumbs. Bake on 350° for an hour. Serve hot.

Falshe Fish

Falshe means fake in Yiddish. Years ago this dish, often made with ground chicken or turkey, was created as a substitute for times when fish was not available – like on Pesach. However, it is so delicious, it should be part of our regular recipe selection.


2 cups cooked chicken
½ cup fried onions
2 eggs
4 tbsp flour or matzo meal
4 tbsp oil
Salt, pepper to taste


Pulse cooked chicken with fried onions in food processor until just smooth. Turn into a bowl and add eggs, flour or matzo meal and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

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