Question: Whom would you rather see as first lady – Cindy McCain or Michelle Obama?


Frankly, neither. But if I had to pick it would be Cindy McCain. Personally, I think neither one of them fits the role. They both seem to have their own lives as well as interests beyond representing this country. I’m not too happy about their husbands, either.

– Eddie Mantel, owner, Blue Ribbon fruit market



Cindy McCain , because I’m a supporter of John McCain. Even though the first lady plays a role in influencing her husband, I think we should focus our vote on the men and not the women who come along with them. I know many critics disapprove of Cindy McCain’s privileged background, claiming she doesn’t understand the plight of the middle class, but I disagree. I don’t think she’s disconnected to the public like many believe.

– Faigy Plotsker, movie producer



Cindy McCain. Michelle Obama always looks angry for some reason, and it’s ridiculous for someone who graduated Princeton and Harvard to say this is the first time in her adult life that she feels proud of her country. There is something wrong with her line of thinking. I’m aware of the backlash to Cindy McCain’s family fortune, but you have to consider that most of our presidents were not poor or middle class and they did a fine job despite their economic status.

– Larry and Iris Hecht, lawyer, computer specialist




Given the option of only these two women, I would say Cindy McCain. She strikes me as being more conservative than Michelle Obama and I think she would be better for the women of this country.

– Raizel Barunstein, retired

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Ita Yankovich is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in various Jewish and secular publications. She also teaches English and Literature at Kingsborough College and Touro College. She can be reached at [email protected].