Photo Credit: Tazpit News Agency
Israeli mother protecting a young baby from rocket fire when the Code Red rocket alert siren sounds

France 24 TV.


UN Representative admits Hamas missiles shot close to UN shelters!

Why Does Hamas Use Their Own People As Human Shields? Why do Hamas put children and women in danger? They could have used the numerous underground tunnels to protect their citizens while Israel attacked missile launching pads but instead they encouraged them to actually go to where they knew perfectly well Israel will be attacking.

What good does it serve these terrorists when they show young bodies blown to pieces and since it has been proven that Hamas clearly uses human shields, why should we care? I believe the answer to these questions are in the questions themselves. Unlike Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas, ISIS and Hizbollah who actually target the  innocent, WE do care! When I say “we” I mean anyone from the civilized world. Hamas is banking their whole propaganda campaign on our moral compass while they completely have a different set of morals. Israel has spent BILLIONS of dollars on missiles that can pinpoint a target and if we were interested even in the slightest bit in killing innocent people we would have saved a lot of money!

Unlike the Arabs who celebrate the death of innocent people, we loathe it, we mourn it and we have a hard time dealing with it even when we did not mean to do it!

This famous picture from the Ramallah Lynching in 2000 shows an Arab whose hands are literally dripping in blood of an IDF non combatant driver who was captured and torn apart by the crowd in Ramallah. Go ahead find me a picture of a Jew doing this!

Hamas knows how much we are personally affected when innocent people die and they therefore put their own people in danger and use their dead bodies as some kind of sick pornographic PR material.

We in Israel have respect for those who die and that is exactly why you will NEVER see us advertising to the world Jewish victims who were shot, blown up or torn limb by limb by Muslim terrorists. Our enemies are not affected by these pictures, they celebrate them and our respect towards the dead is stronger than our hate towards our enemy.

Google pictures of Germany after the allies bombed it in WW2, look up the numbers of Germans dead compared to those who were killed in the allied countries. Google the word Dresden and you will find horrific pictures but I do not believe there is a single sane person who thinks the allies used disproportionate force agains the Nazi regime! Hamas understands very well just how much world opinion is affected by pictures of dead children and that is exactly why they put their own kids in danger and then flash them around like some kind of sick peep show.

After all, if they didn’t flash their dead kids around, you might have paid attention to their charter that actually calls for the genocide of Jews or the fact that ALL Hamas missiles are aimed ONLY at civilian areas in Israel.

What Can You Do About Hamas’s Child Abuse? You can try to condemn them online, in the UN and throughout the world but I do not think they care at all about public opinion.

It is more about what you can stop doing. Every time you blame Israel for the death of civilians who were used by Hamas as human shields, you not only excuse Hamas’s barbaric behavior, you actually strengthen it!


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