The Democratic Party may want someone who can heal some of the wounds of ObamaCare and reassure gun owners that they can come back, but that isn’t what the left wants. And if Hillary can’t figure out how to sell her candidacy as being all things to all Democrats, the sort of trick that Bill used to be able to easily pull off, then things will get ugly.

All this isn’t about what will happen in 2016, but what is already happening now. Clinton’s people are planting stories undermining Obama. And what are Obama’s people doing? That’s the question.


A Republican leadership that is routinely inept suddenly had two breakthroughs; one in Benghazi and one in the IRS. The IRS material is being served up on a silver platter, suggesting that is a distraction. The two scandals cut different ways. Benghazi hurts Obama, but it hurts Clinton more. The IRS is all Obama. It can’t be deposited at Clinton’s door and its narrative serves her interests.

Benghazi isn’t likely to keep Hillary out of the Democratic field in 2016, but after 2008, she is justifiably paranoid. Any appearance of weakness can only embolden another Obama to challenge her and for 2016, as for 2008, her strategy is to be so inevitable that she will never even be challenged. It’s not much of a plan, but it’s why she needs to see Benghazi dead and buried in every sense of the word.

Originally published at Sultan Knish.


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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.