It’s always a revelation when a world-renowned intellectual attacks religion as silly and juvenile only for us to discover that his or her own personal life might have greatly benefited from a commitment to the biblical values that they so casually dismiss.

      Such was the case recently when the news broke that Albert Einstein’s letter on God, in which he described the Bible as “pretty childish,” sold for more than $400,000.
      If history has taught us one thing about intelligent people, it is that even the most brilliant still need help when it comes to formulating and living with proper values. Paul Johnson’s 1990 book Intellectuals demonstrated just how warped were, and are, the values of some intellectuals.
      The principal purpose of the Bible is to impart values of right and wrong, to teach us of the infinite sanctity of human life, and to lend human existence spiritual purpose. This is something that is counterintuitive and often lost on intellectuals who can sometimes be such know-it-alls that they reject time-honored wisdom in favor of their own machinations.
      Such was, unfortunately, the case with Einstein, whose criticism of the Bible presupposes that he had such wonderful personal values that he did not need to receive them from some “childish” book. Sadly, though he was the smartest man of the twentieth century, his values were severely lacking. Readers of Walter Isaacson’s masterful biography Einstein: His Life and Universe will discover some of the dirty laundry of Einstein’s personal life that was already public knowledge – for example, his unfaithfulness to his wife and how he essentially left her to marry his cousin. What they will be shocked to discover, however, is a man whose personal failings were often justified by very questionable values.
      When, in 1917, his son Eduard got sick with lung inflammation, Einstein wrote to his best friend, “My little boy’s condition depresses me greatly. It is impossible that he will become a fully developed person. Who knows if it wouldn’t be better for him if he could depart before coming to know life properly.”
      As if this statement weren’t shocking enough, he then ruminated concerning Eduard to another friend about employing “the Spartan method” – leaving sickly children out on a mountain to die. One cowers in disbelief to witness a once-in-a-millennium intellect deliberating whether to discard his own child and allow him to be slowly devoured by the elements.
      If Einstein had instead looked to the values of the Bible, he would have discovered that every human life, whether healthy or diseased, beautiful or disfigured, is of infinite value and sanctity. Indeed, the Bible (Deuteronomy 12:30-31) attacks the ancient pagan practice of child sacrifice, in which children were seen as naught but the means by which to appease the angry gods, as an “abomination to the Eternal, which He hateth.”
      Einstein, for long periods of his life, was essentially a deadbeat dad. His son Hans Albert felt so neglected by his father – who when teaching in Berlin during the First World War visited only every few months – that in November 1917 the boy took to writing his father nasty letters telling him not to visit.
      Seemingly insensitive to the wounds harbored by a neglected eleven year old, Einstein followed the advice and stayed away. “The unkind tone of your letter dismays me very much. I see that my visit would bring you little joy. Therefore, I think it is wrong to sit in a train for two hours and twenty minutes” (the train time between Berlin and Zurich, where the boy lived with his mother).
      And Einstein, after getting his future wife Mileva pregnant, seems to have had the baby given up for adoption without ever having met her, a fact that did not come to light until approximately 30 years after his death.
      Personal life aside, an even greater indictment of Einstein concerns the misguided values inherent in the pacifism he championed through most of his life – until Hitler rose to power and it became clear to him that something had to be done to combat the beast, at which point Einstein not only dismissed his previous pacifism but actually wrote a famous letter to President Roosevelt in August 1939, encouraging him to beat the Germans to building an atomic weapon.
      Of course, the book Einstein dismisses as being so childish made it mandatory on all to fight evil and protect the innocent and oppressed even if it means going to war on their behalf. To be a pacifist when victims are slaughtered is to become passively complicit with evil.
      None of this means, of course, that Einstein was a bad person. What it does mean is that even Einstein would have to concede his morals were in need of serious realignment. You can be the smartest man alive but it doesn’t mean you will not do incredibly silly things based on seriously misguided ideas. Which is why Jews, however smart or learned, have always turned to the Bible as the source of their morality.

      Even Albert Einstein would be wise to remember the words of King David: “Never rely solely on your own understanding.”



      Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is the author of many books, including “Judaism For Everyone.” Visit his website at


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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, "America's Rabbi," whom The Washington Post calls “the most famous Rabbi in America,” is the international bestselling author of 30 books including his most recent “The Israel Warrior.” Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley.