I continue to meet with and guide those anusim who sincerely wish to return to their ancestral faith. Many of my colleagues try to dissuade me from dedicating myself to this cause. And I’ll admit there are times I entertain the idea of giving up.

But whenever I feel myself about to succumb to discouragement, I ask myself how I could not continue to be a part of the miracle taking place before my very eyes.


There is hope for the future of sincere anusim. They shall return to us and we shall be the stronger for that.

Rabbi Simcha Green, a musmachof Yeshiva University, is a pulpit rabbi and Jewish educator who is presently working on a book on Rav Yosef Soloveitchik’s explanation of the blessing “shelo asani isha.” He can be contacted at [email protected].


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Rabbi Simchah Green, a musmach of Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, resides in Los Angeles where he teaches Torah to anyone with an interest in learning about Jewish beliefs and customs.