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The baby was healthy and sweet. Both parents, infinitely grateful for the hashgacha they’d experienced, were filled with joy. That’s the story of David and Rachel’s pre-Purim miracle.

Rachel, David and the baby experienced great – and obvious – hashgacha pratis. Perhaps it was in the merit of Purim, or maybe for a chesed or other mitzvah they or a family member once did, or possibly for some other reason. We don’t know. All we do know, especially upon hearing stories like this, is that Hashem is in charge of all that happens and all that will happen. This is true in every situation, including when medical or other experts are involved. In all situations it is Hashem who decides. He is in charge of everything.


So why is this piece called Miracles In The Maternity Ward? After all, it’s a story about hashgacha pratis and really should be called Hashgacha Pratis In The Maternity Ward. But if you would visit the nursery and look in the bassinets, if you would look at those tiny Jewish neshamos in those tiny perfect (and sometimes, lo aleinu, imperfect) bodies, you would agree that each one of those babies is a miracle. Modim anachnu Lach – We thank You … and will relate Your praise … for Your miracles that are with us every day…

(This true story is dedicated to the hashgacha pratis, health and success of all of our sisters who are longing or waiting to give birth, b’ezras Hashem.)


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Naomi Brudner, M.A., lives in Yerushalayim where she writes, counsels and practices Guided Imagery for health, including for stroke patients.