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However, the guilt doesn’t end there.

The first and primary role of government is the protection of its people. That is self-evident – unless the population is Jewish. In that case, self-preservation isn’t a given, it is deemed amoral.


While it is unclear who empowered the media to be the judge and jury on issues of morality, judge they do. Their bias is clear in every report of the so-called peace process and “liberation” attempts.

Every reporter who through his perverse version of social consciousness excuses away murder as a justified expression of “Arab anger and humiliation” becomes a willing accomplice to acts of terror. By creating a world order that condones the killing of Jews, they become accomplices to the very acts they are reporting. While they haven’t pulled the pin on 20 kilos of explosives, their words have created the social climate that encourages this, and as such, they are guilty.

Every media outlet whose bias and prejudices condemn Israel for defending itself makes it more acceptable for global terrorism to go on unchecked, allowing and encouraging more of the same.

The events we are suffering through, and the clear obstruction of truth that enables them, are but one last stage of our long and bitter exile. May Hashem speedily redeem us.

The new Shmuz book Stop Surviving and Start Living, is available in stores, at, or by calling 866-613-TORAH (8672).


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