Photo Credit: Courtesy: Lemkos Family
Dalia Lemkos, HY"D Is this the image you think of when you hear the word "settler?"

Dalia Lemkos (26) of Tekoa HY”D has been identified as the murder victim in the Alon Shvut terror attack today.

The terrorist first tried to run over his victims with his car at an Alon Shvut bus stop, but when that failed, he got out of his car and stabbed Lemkos in the neck. She was seriously wounded and was pronounced dead at the scene.


This wasn’t Lemkos’s first time in a terror attack.

On February 26, 2006, Dalia Lemkos was stabbed by terrorists in Gush Etzion. In an eerily similar attack, she had been waiting at a hitchhiking station when an Arab terrorist attacked the hitchhikers, stabbing two of them including Lemkos. Her injuries in the 2006 attack were not life-threatening.

The Lemkos family made Aliyah from South Africa, and lived in Tekoa for the past 15 years. Dalia Lemkos was a volunteered at Yad Sarah, and was an MDA ambulance driver.

Her funeral is tentatively scheduled for Monday morning at 10 AM in Tekoa.

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