Photo Credit: Hillel Meir / Tazpit News Agency

10:15 PM The massive pro-right rally is now over.

9:30 PM


9:26 PM Looking at the rally from Ibn G’virol Street :

Photo credit : BEBO /

9:14 PM Rabbi Druckman speaking.

9:07 PM Leftwing newspapers claim only a few thousands to 15,000 people at rally – outright lies.
Streets are filled – up to 4 blocks away. More pictures on the way from our roaming reporter.

8:55 PM Eli Yishai speaking.

Livestream Video at bottom of the post.

8:45 PM

8:38 PM NafataLi Bennett on the stage working up the crowd and playing the guitar.

8:32 PM Definitely at least 100,000 people there.

Listening to Netanyahu at the rally was like listening to him at the rallies it the old days. Powerful energy.

8:26 PM

8:15 PM Bibi is electrifying the crowd…

8:12 PM Netanyahu takes the stage

8:08 PM Police say 100,000 people in the square.

Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak…

8:04 PM The square is packed and people are still streaming in.

7:59 PM The first speaker has gotten up to speak at the rightwing rally in Rabin Square.

7:29 PM 750 buses are coming from around the country to fill up Rabin Square with supporters of the political parties from the right in a show of strength. Some buses have arrived, but many are still underway.

It’s not even 7:30 PM and Channel 20 estimates that tens of thousands of people have already arrived for the rally that only begins at 8PM this evening.

Channel 20 also reports that the rally is filled with secular Jews, and not just religious ones.

Among the speakers who will be speaking tonight are Prime Minister Netanyahu (Likud), Minister Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi), MK Eli Yishai (Yachad) as well as other Ministers, MKs and leaders.

This is the first show of real electricity that the Right has displayed this campaign. It’s as if they’ve been holding it in, and now finally letting it out.

Our reporter in the field will be updating us as the rally goes on.

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