Photo Credit: Courtesy Students for the Temple Mount
Yuval and Racheli brought their kids along to their Temple Mount wedding

Yuval and Racheli from Tel Aviv on Monday went up to the Temple Mount and got married, the Students for the Temple Mount Facebook page reported, noting that Arab couples have been getting married routinely at the holiest site to the Jews, and suggesting it’s time Jews followed suit.


Yuval and Racheli brought their kids along (see in the picture above), and we are absolutely certain that they were also being viewed and blessed by all the generations before and after the two of them.

Exactly one year ago, on Tamuz 5, 5777 (July 29, 2017), Tom Nisani, chairman and coordinator of the Im Tirtzu movement, gave a ring to his new wife Sarah Lorkett, an activist in the movement, on the Temple Mount.

Reportedly, as many as four Jewish couples got married on the Temple Mount over the past 18 months, despite the Israel Police and the Jordanian Waqf rules against any expression of Jewish spirituality up there, certainly not reciting wedding blessings.

A spokesperson for Students for the Temple Mount, the group behind this act of Holy Chutzpah, suggested his group is “constantly working to break the glass ceiling that the Israeli government, through the police, have placed in our way,” a mixed metaphor that can be explained by his natural excitement.


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