Photo Credit: CBS
Distribution of Living Holocaust Survivors according to Sex / Source: CBS

The number of Holocaust survivors who lived in Israel by the end of 2016 is 186,500, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics. Out of those:

57,500 stayed in a ghetto, a hiding place, a work camp, a concentration/extermination camp. 77% of them were born in Europe.


101,000 lived in countries under Nazi rule, 55% out of them were born in North Africa.

28,100 are refugees who were forced to live their homes because of the Nazi regime. Some 76% of them were born in the former Soviet Union.

All three groups are considered “Holocaust survivors” for the purpose of gaining rights and compensations over their exposure to the Nazi regime.

The Holocaust survivors population is aging, and its size is diminishing. According to an official forecast, 76% of those who were alive at the end of 2016 are expected to survive through the year 2020, and 29% of them through 2030. By 2035 only 14% of those who were alive in 2016 will remain among the living.

Of the Holocaust survivors population, about 59% are women and 41% men. The older the segment of this population, the higher the percentage of women. In the age group of 84 and up, about 63% are women and 37% men.


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