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Jordanian FM Ayman Safadi

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said, “the Arab countries will be ready to give security guarantees to Israel,” if Israel leaves the territories we liberated in 1967 (which includes the Kotel, of course), according to a report in Sputnik News.

Coming from Jordan, the country on the verge of collapse and takeover by ISIS, that’s just a barrel of laughs.


Safadi doesn’t say what those guarantees are.

Let’s think about what they could be:

  1. All the Arab countries will disarm themselves.
  2. All the Arab countries will become peaceful democracies.
  3. Iran will give up its expansionist behavior, nuclear ambitions, and anti-Zionist theology.
  4. ISIS, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas will disarm themselves and disband.
  5. Islam will become the religion of peace. (My personal favorite.)

I don’t see any of those things happening.

Safadi added:

“We consider the settlement of the Palestinian problem as a core of tensions in our region. That is why we definitely plan to create additional conditions for security and stability in our region and in the whole world.”

Considering ISIS, what’s left of Iraq and Syria, Hezbollah’s takeover of Lebanon, the Sunni-Shi’ite conflict, Islamic terror, the Iran-Saudi proxy war, Jordan on the verge of collapse, the PA on the verge of collapse, (and should we mention Morocco’s illegal occupation of Western Sahara, and the absence of an independent Kurdish state?) — and none of those core Arabs/Middle East problems connected to Israel at all — how can they expect Israel to take any Arab peace advance seriously, when they make such stupid remarks that are so completely detached from reality?

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