Color Match

You privately decide that you all look more like tree doubles, but worried about being turned into lumber you wisely keep quiet.

A Standout!

It is completely understandable that you would feel like there are so many other single girls in your position – because there are.

Shidduchim Shopping

Even good reviews hold them back, because public knowledge makes the products seem cheaper and less exclusive.

Dear Dr. Yael

I once heard that when a teacher does not expect her student to achieve, the student would, in fact, not achieve.


Maybe she is so caught up in the “likes” that she is no longer able to focus on the actual and practical growth that she must put into her future marriage.

Dear Dr. Yael

Respect and warmth can do wonders to build a relationship.

Open Door Policy

Your strength and desire to change is a testament to their parenting and love.

I Don’t Want To Repeat My Parents’ Rocky Marriage

Your self-awareness and your ability to worry over their influence will only aid you in this process.

Give And Take

To expect financial support without any impact or input is immature and unrealistic.

So Close Yet So Far

Since this girl has known you for the same amount of time that you have known her, you have to assume that she has made her decision with careful thought and deliberation.

Single Sukkos

You’re tired, and I get it. Tired of being the single sibling, tired of helping the most, and tired of everyone treating you like you can’t possibly be OK on your own.

Dating After Divorce

If someone interesting is suggested and he sounds promising to you, go out on a date. Date with honesty and integrity, and expect the same from the men you are set up with.

The Numbers Game

Unless your crystal ball works better than mine, no one can predict the future of any couple or knows what life may bring.

Chivalry Is Not Dead

Eating at a restaurant can be expensive, but by paying the bill you are showing the girl that while you know that she may be able to afford her own meal, you don’t want her to.

The Waiting Room

If you happen to be traveling to another city and someone wants to set you up while you are there, go out on a date.

Name Shame

It is disturbing that so many boys and girls continue to be careless with their casual chatter about the people they have dated.


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