Dear Dr. Yael

I know my own parents and in-laws gave my children so much love, time, and exciting outings that are remembered to this day!

The Art Of Communication

David and his wife had been married for 15 years and believed they knew what each other really wanted. While attending a marriage seminar on communication, David and his wife listened to the instructor declare, “It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.”

The Road Map To A Happy Marriage

Creating direction in a marriage is similar to going on a long journey. To get to where you want to go, you need to have a plan that includes directions, supplies and the ability to navigate along the way. You will also have to be prepared for many possible factors that may interfere with your trip, including wind, rain, unpredictable mechanical breakdown and human error. Most importantly you will need a map to guide and help reorient you in case you lose your way.

Pursue Growth

It would certainly be helpful if we had a clear picture of exactly when we might meet the person we will marry. A marking on a calendar would allow us to schedule our lives just so – with time to accomplish personal goals while maintaining a clear path for someone new.

Mr. Penny Pincher

Is he helping his family financially through a difficult time and has been forced to be careful?

Dear Dr. Yael

Sometimes people feel that if someone accepts them then there is something wrong with that person.

Family Matters

You are at a point where you need to make an informed decision, and you are worried about a variable that cannot be changed.

Risky Business

Time to take a step back. This is the time to refocus and to take your dating story back into your own hands.

Dear Dr. Yael

She seems to be feeling overworked and overwhelmed, and unfortunately appears to be taking it out on you.

Count On Me

You friend is not expecting you to pull a perfect single guy out of a magic hat. She does however, want your care, concern, and friendship.

Dear Dr. Yael

Every situation is different. Also, it is important to try to remember that your children may still love you, even if they don’t come for the holidays. Perhaps they have more difficult children or really need more space for whatever reason.

Empathize With Your Spouse

To feel loved and nurtured your spouse needs to feel that you empathize with his or her emotions. The key is empathy. Empathy isn’t the same as sympathy or pity. It means being able to put yourself in another’s position, to feel what he feels and see what he sees, without losing yourself in the process.

Dear Dr. Yael

Only use your bed for sleep, so your body knows what to expect when you’re in bed.

Total Sum

It can be hard to modify the picture that you had in your head when you originally thought about your future.

Dear Dr. Yael

Instead of contemplating divorce, use these feelings as a wake-up call to work on your marriage. Please seek professional help to work on making your life happier.

The Perils Of Giving Advice

Tell her that you know how much effort she puts into raising her children and that you never meant to criticize her.

Pesach Single

Time to set some boundaries. This has to be done right away before you are all gathered at the Seder table.

Dear Dr. Yael

I miss my child deeply and daven that a true yeshua takes place.

Dear Dr. Yael

Treatment for emotional detachment depends on the reason that is happening. It is important to seek professional help to see why you are having difficulty connecting to others.

Choosing Your Mate

Choosing a life partner is possibly the most compli­cated process of a lifetime. In this article, we will try to define, understand and explain how we choose a part­ner. To do so, we need to have some understanding and awareness of the dynamics that bring a man and a woman towards marriage. It starts with the word attraction.

Dear Dr. Yael

I think it's time that we as a community reconsider our shidduch situation.

I Don’t Like My Mother

My mother thinks of herself as a superior person, has very little feelings for other people, and probably suffers from a deep lack of self-esteem.

Dear Dr. Yael

It takes only one click to reach an inappropriate website and be exposed to...

Part 22 – Managing Money Together

You marry for love and friendship. Yet there are practical concerns involved in making a living and managing your finances that can affect the quality of your marriage.

Marital Roles (First Of Five Parts)

Dear Mordechai, With Pesach almost here, my husband and I have been fighting more than ever. We’re having big sedarim and are fighting over everything, from which Haggadas to use to what to expect from our differently-aged children. This frustration has caused me to finally write to you what I’ve wanted to write for months. I don’t want to be told what to do because I’m the woman or mother...

Mi Casa Su Casa

When your family, the shadchan, or a friend, offers you information about a potential match - inquire about her home life and the type of house she grew up in.

Controlling The Uncontrollable Child

Humor is also a great tool to use. If your daughter says no when you ask her to do something, smile and say, “Oh, is it opposite day? I guess this means that you will do it with pleasure. Thank you, my beautiful mitzvah girl.”

Dear Dr. Yael

A "party" atmosphere has invaded our celebrations.

Attaining Both Torah U’madda

There could be no Jewish-themed books and, as such, the lack of knowledge these boys displayed in regards to many of the topics we read about was clear.

Invisible Or Instagram

Beyond the idealistic lens of TikTok and the like however, their marriages may be struggling, their children may live life in “time-out” chairs, and they may subsist on day-old takeout.


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