Dear Dr. Yael

Perhaps you can call a family meeting and start with saying that although it is a privilege for you to be able to take care of your parents, things are becoming more difficult and you feel you need more help.

Dear Dr. Yael

Marriage is all about compromise and making sacrifices.

Dear Dr. Yael

It is very natural for kids to want attention and to be jealous of each other, especially when there is a new baby.

Dear Dr. Yael

She says that they are our children and since she brings in half, or sometimes more than half of our parnassah, we need to be full partners in their chinuch.

Yanle And Leah – Chapter Twenty-Three

Yankel was hurt by Leah’s remark, only more so because it was true. The chabura was a motley, ragtag crew. To even call them a chabura was an embarrassment.

Nope, Not Today.

Even when we are comfortable working toward a future with someone, we can feel blindsided by our date’s easy understanding of what a lifetime together would look like.

Salary Slump

You wonder how to convince girls that you are in fact a good bet, without the promise of a glitzy future.

Dear Dr. Yael

I question whether you must call her often and bear the pain of her hurtful remarks.

Part 23 – How Do You Relate To Money?

To help couples better understand where they stand on financial issues, here is a mini quiz that both partners can take and use to facilitate a discussion about money.

The Single Mingle

It can feel impossible to be sufficiently witty and clever in the five-minute time slot allotted during a speed-dating round.

Definitely Maybe

It is always a wonderful feeling to meet someone that really seems to “get you.”

Dear Dr. Yael

You must make sure your child is safe and try to put him back to bed, but do not awaken him or try to calm him, since he is probably sleeping.


Dating can be hard and it can be disheartening. This is especially true for those that have dated for a long time.

Dear Dr. Yael

Both parties need to become more tolerant of one another.

Combating Inappropriate Touching

Dear Dr. Yael: I am sending my oldest son to a Pre-1A this year and am very anxious about inappropriate touching. I do not know if I should speak to my son about this and, if I choose to, I do not know what I should say. I want to protect my son from any kind of inappropriate situation, but I also do not want to scare him. My goal is for my son to have a warm and loving relationship with his rebbe. How do I balance my wish to protect him with the desire to provide him with a successful school year? An Anxious Mother

Dear Dr. Yael

Please Dr. Respler give me ideas on how to parent my grown children properly.

Chesed Begins At Home

How can I help my wife learn to say "no," and understand that her first priority must be her husband and family?

Is A Molehill A Mountain?

If overall everything seems so great, you wonder, why would you walk away over something small? Sure, there are a number of those “small” items, but surely, they are fixable, workable, or not even applicable in the near future. Still though, something doesn’t feel right.

I Want To Be Religious And My Wife Doesn’t

Question: I am becoming an Orthodox Jew. I totally love what I am doing and the new meaning it is giving my life. I want to be become more strictly observant, but my wife does not agree and has become an unwilling participant. She refuses to consult with my rabbi because the one time she spoke with him she felt he wasn’t being sensitive to her needs. The more religious I become, the more irreligious she becomes. I really do love her but as far as I am concerned, when it comes to religious observance, things are black and white. I don’t want to live a non-observant lifestyle and yet, she won’t consider becoming religious. What do I do? I told her I was writing to you and she agreed to try whatever you’d suggest.

Commitment Phobia

People are not all the same. We have different energy levels, make decisions based on different criteria, and structure our lives in different ways,...

It’s All in The Presentation

To me, your question cannot be answered until we address your tone. Until then, this is less about your inability to see eye to eye with your parents than about your struggle to communicate properly with one another.

The Burden Of Feeling Overwhelmed

Explain to them that you'll try to be there for them when they "need" your help, but that you may have to sometimes take a rain check when they simply "want" your help.

Clothes Make The (Wo)Man

If a kallah was writing with this question about her chosson, I believe that there would be little to no pushback. A girl is allowed to notice clothing, but a guy is not?

Stressing The Positives

Dear Dr. Yael: My husband and I are, Baruch Hashem, happily married for five years. But there is a stumbling block constantly facing us.

Beauty Bar

It is always a blessing to find someone that you connect with. But in the often-complicated world of shidduchim, your psyche has thrown a wrench at your potential future together.

The Fear Of Abandonment (Part I)

The fear of abandonment, also known as autophobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by an acute fear of being alone. Often, one of the symptoms of this particular anxiety is a strong need to be in control. This is because one has previously lost someone close through separation, divorce or death and may unconsciously blames his or herself for the event. When this happens, any type of separation may traumatize the person, even the marriage of his or her own child can be viewed as a life-threatening event.

Bad Review

Someone who knows the person well, or even someone who has previously dated a girl or guy can be a great resource in learning about a potential match. However, a real understanding of a prospective date can also lack objective and may contain personal bias.


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