
You know the material, but just don’t know how you will perform on the test. Try the power poses before. They will relax and empower you.

The Demystification Process

Demystification is actually a wonderful tool for helping children overcome their learning disabilities because it enables children to understand how they learn.

Non-Verbal Learning Disorder

If you must vary the routine, prepare your child in advance for those changes through logical explanations. If prepared in advance, the transition will ultimately be a lot smoother.

Parenting From The Inside Out

The idea of mindfulness is to be present in your thoughts and actions. What that means is that when you are interacting with your child you are not worrying about the past or the future.

Learning A New Language: Speaking To Your Tween

A lot of this unique and personal language that you develop with your child happens until around the time your child starts sixth or seventh grade.

What Happened To You?

Our experiences quite literally shape us – and more specifically – shape our brains.

Lighthouse Parenting

Unconditional love means that you love your children and even as you set high expectations for them, you understand that they will make mistakes and you will love them regardless. Children need to understand this as well.

Carpe Diem!

The element of Pride comes into the experience when there is a sense that courage and recognition drove a belief in the significance of the moment.

Embracing The Quiet

The strongest distinguishing characteristic of introverts is their energy source: Introverts draw energy from their internal world of ideas, emotions, and impressions.

Learning To Belong

Women have a particularly difficult time with shame because there are different (often stricter) societal expectations for women as mothers, fashion figures, and careerists.

Rethinking Explosive Children

Rather than attempting to modify behaviors right away, Dr. Greene advocates for solving the underlying problems.

Teens And Honesty

A teen might never feel that he is truly part of the group if he is constantly hiding parts of himself.

Parenting From The Inside Out

Sometimes, it’s hard not to view parenting as a chore. But, if you approach parenting as a burden, you will ultimately stumble because it is impossible to happily carry a burden for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for a lifetime.

Happy Children

How can we become heroic parents? By helping our children learn how to create happiness in their own lives.

Does Your Child Feel Loved?

It’s important to remember that children are children. They will act immaturely. But, if we love them unconditionally, they will mature.

Listen. Can You Hear That?

Even though Leah is a good conversationalist and smiles constantly, she radiates tension. Her shoulders and eyebrows are noticeably raised, her voice is shrill and her body is stiff. Being around Leah makes many people feel uncomfortable.

Raising Bookworms

Children use their brain the most when they are engaged in free play. Try not to over-schedule your kids – leave a few afternoons a week empty so that your child can play at home.

Daydreaming Daughters

Many women do not realize they have ADHD until they bring their child in for an evaluation.

Are We There Yet?

This idea of a growth mindset can also be called the “power of yet.” In other words, you are not there yet, but you can get there.

Who’s in Denial? Not Me!

We might think that their anger is passion and their intractability a steadfast resolve to the ideas of right and wrong. Through this “touch-up” work, we turn our spouses flaws into strengths.

Trigger Some New Habits

With time, this loop becomes more and more automatic. The cue and the reward become interconnected until your brain anticipates the reward as soon as it hears, sees, or touches the cue.

How Do We Build Character?

As parents, we can be role models for our children and teach them that when things are tough, they still need to keep trying.

Educational Sparks: Why Motivation Matters

What is motivation? It’s the ability to improve our efforts and rouse ourselves into action. It’s the magic ingredient that adds a measure of oomph to the day. It’s an essential factor of learning.

Happy Is How Happy Does

If we start off happy, then we feel good about ourselves and what we're doing. If we feel good about ourselves, we look great.

Maybe Money Is Your Children’s Business

We push our children’s money questions aside, sometimes telling them that their queries are impolite, or perhaps worrying that they will call out our own financial hypocrisy and errors.

Book Smart is not the (Only) Goal

Executive skills allow us to organize our behavior over time and override immediate demands in favor of longer-term goals.

Dissecting Disagreement How to Have Difficult Conversations

If you feel that someone is misrepresenting your purpose or intent, use a contrasting statement.

Who Likes Criticism?

See your blind spots. Before we resist the feedback, it’s important to recognize that perhaps maybe other people see things that we do not.

Girls and Boys: Coping with Stress

While there are always exceptions, teenage girls often experience significantly more stress around appearances – what they look like and how they dress.

Stop Stopping Yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself, you may end up choosing to forgo positive experience simply because you don’t think you will succeed.


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