Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Likud activists putting up a large election poster, December 27, 2012.

While most polls in the last week have shown the Likud-Beitenu stabilizing at 34 mandates, a poll published tonight (Wednesday) by Channel 10 shows the Likud-Beitenu garnering only 32 mandates.

The Channel 10 report included the fact that none of the Likud’s district candidates would get in and even MK Carmel Shama could be on the chopping bloc. Not mentioned is the fact that current MK Ayoub Kara (number 39 on the joint list, but the 25th ranking Likud candidate) would also not get in the Knesset.


Also, apparently Gideon Sa’ar who chairs the campaign department (mateh behirot) and Gilad Erdan who chairs the public relations department (mateh hasbarah) are not even speaking.

As for the other parties, the poll shows the right-wing-religious bloc garnering 65 mandates. That includes Power for Israel which would pass the voting threshold and garner two mandates, but would not likely join nor be included in a coalition headed by Netanyahu.

The Jewish Home party would garner 14 seats, keeping with the 13-14 shown by other polls over the past week.

Shas would garner 11 mandates, and Torah Judaism six. Am Shalem would only garner one, not passing the voting threshold.

On the Left, Labor would only garner 16, Yesh Atid 11, the Movement nine, Meretz six. The three Arab parties would receive a total of 11 mandates. Kadima would pass the voting threshold with two mandates. The Green Leaf party and the New Country parties each would only receive one mandate and would fail to pass the voting threshold by only tens of thousands of votes each.

The poll was conducted by the Dahaf Institute. Seven-hundred and sixty five people were interviewed by phone, including cell phone. (Many Israeli polling firms interview only 500 potential voters).

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Daniel Tauber is the Executive Director of Likud Anglos, and a former Opinions Editor at Daniel is also an attorney admitted to practice law in Israel and New York and received his J.D. from Fordham University School of Law. You can follow him on facebook and twitter.