Photo Credit: Hadas Parush / Flash 90
The 747 Supertanker helps to extinguish a fire on November 26, 2016.

Raviv Drucker of Channel 10 reported a new scandal this evening involving Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Drucker claims the Supertanker sent from the US to Israel, to fight the inexplicable fires burning down the country, was seen diverting from its flight path multiple times during the day and circling over the Prime Minister’s official residence at least three times.


Unnamed witnesses claim they saw the supertanker emptying its water tanks on the Prime Minister’s vehicles parked outside his homes in Caesarea, Jerusalem, the official government residence, and at the cabinet meeting in Haifa, thoroughly washing all the Prime Minister’s vehicles — completely at the taxpayers’ expense. One witness claimed the Prime Minister’s pool in Caesarea was also filled up by the Supertanker.

Drucker claimed that Sara Netanyahu had the plane fly over the vehicles at the official residence three times, as she wasn’t happy with the cleaning job the first two.

Peace Now co-founder Professor Amiram Goldblum claimed that Netanyahu was the main benefactor of bringing in the Supertanker, and that Netanyahu started the arson spree to get the free car washes.

The pilot denies any wrongdoing, and says he only opened the water valves in locations where he was told there were threats to human life and property. He could not recall who gave him the list of locations to fly over or why he circled over one location in Jerusalem so many times.

Minister Naftali Bennett said even if the Prime Minister’s cars were washed then it was for the good of Israel’s security, as that is the Prime Minister’s only concern.

Bennett added, if there really was corruption involved, then obviously the cars would have been waxed and polished too, which he points out they weren’t.

On that point, Raviv Drucker noted the unusual conversation between PM Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, where Netanyahu thanked Abbas were sending over a few crews to help in Haifa, Caesarea and Jerusalem.

Netanyahu’s spokesperson said the phone call was to thank Abbas for his humanitarian gesture, and that the Arab crews sent over did not wax and polish the Prime Minister’s cars as Drucker was implying. Sara could just as easily had some cabinet members or MKs do that for her if she needed it.

There’s also a rumor that a former cleaning lady now in rehab who once interviewed for a job at the PM’s house saw Sara Netanyahu pass to a foreign diplomat a blank envelope with a free carwash coupon inside. This is still unconfirmed.

Technically, Raviv Drucker’s latest report became connected to the submarine scandal once the Prime Minister’s cars were submerged under the thousands of gallons of water that were dumped on them.

Netanyahu’s personal attorney, David Shimron who reportedly brokered the Supertanker deal, was unavailable for comment.

[Reminder: This is satire]

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