Photo Credit: Im Tirtzu
Im Tirtzu's "Shtulim" video

(Source: NGO Monitor)

In short, PCAT is funded by foreign entities, to pursue a virulently anti-Israeli campaign. Does this not meet the definition of a foreign agent aiding and abetting the enemy?


The rest of the “targeted” NGOs are easily as harmful to the Jewish State, and receive even more funds from foreign entities. Israel suffers directly from their campaigns, both economically—seeing its products being curtailed in foreign markets—and politically, having to face increasingly hostile popular reaction in foreign countries, for the often outrageous, libelous, attacks of these organizations and many more.

There has been much discussion recently in Israel regarding the scope of a “self-defending democracy,” in relation to the disregard of remand and habeas corpus principles by the security forces in dealing with “Jewish terrorists” in the Duma arson-murder case. Wouldn’t curbing the freedoms of hostile foreign agents also be considered a step to defend Israel’s democracy, which is fighting for its life?

Not according to the ADL, which stated, “We believe Im Tirzu should apologize for their unwarranted attack on the individuals and organizations referenced in the video.”

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