Photo Credit: Hagai Aharon/FLASH90
Shelly Dadon, 20, was murdered on her way to a job interview, in a suspected terror attack. Police believe that Dadon was murdered by an Arab terrorist.

I am Shelly Dadon.  I was murdered only because I was Jewish.  A future Israeli government will release my murderers for the chance to sit and talk ‘peace’ with the Palestinian Arabs and enable them to murder more Israeli Jews.

19-year-old Shelly Dadon’s last words to her cousin were “there is someone scary here.  I am being strangled.”  From Shelly’s Hebrew it was inferred that a woman terrorist was strangling her.  Then, it appears, she was repeatedly stabbed to death. Over 2,000 Israelis in her home town of Afula came out to demonstrate for her.


And, Israeli Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni wants to release more terrorists so she can sit with my murderers’ bosses.


Livni has Shelly Dadon’s blood on her hands.

I am Shelly Dadon.  I was murdered only because I was Jewish.  Livni will one day release my murderers, enabling the murder of more Jews.


The rabbi burying Shelly Dadon said she was “murdered only because she was Jewish.”  Thousands of Israelis Jews have been murdered since the messianic Peace Cultists signed the Oslo “Peace” Accords only because they were Jewish.  16-year-old Daniel Viflic was on a yellow school bus near Gaza when Hamas terrorists fired an anti-tank missile into his school bus.  Daniel Viflic is dead and buried and forgotten by most of us. 

Isaac Herzog, the head of Labor, wants to accede to virtually all of Abbas’ demands to release as many terrorist prisoners that he possibly can. 


Herzog has Shelly’s Dadon’s blood on his hands.

I am Shelly Dadon. I was murdered only because I was Jewish.  Herzog will one day release my murderers, enabling the murder of more Jews.


Doesn’t Prime Minister Netanyahu understand that by not executing Arab terrorist murderers, putting them in comfy jails, with internet, paying Abbas hundreds of millions of dollars a month so he can pay the terrorists in Israeli jails, allowing them to smuggle out their sperm, and then allowing them to be released to wild celebrations of heroism, Israel has validated and sanctified the Palestinian narrative that they are Freedom Fighters – and that the Arab terror narrative will win. 


Doesn’t Prime Minister Netanyahu understand that for any would-be Palestinian Arab terrorist, there is only upside and no down-side to their wanton slaughter of Israeli Jews only because they are Jewish?  


Netanyahu has Shelly Dadon’s blood on his hands.

I am Shelly Dadon. I was murdered only because I was Jewish.  Netanyahu will one day release my murderers, enabling the murder of more Jews.


Doesn’t Defense Minister Ya’alon understand that if Israel has to pay the Palestinians’ price of Palestinian Arab terrorist murderers for the “right” to even sit down with the Palestinian Authority in peace talks, that this is not “strategic” this is “suicidal.”  Under Ya’alon’s theory that the terrorist murders’ releases were “strategic,” what exactly does Israel expect to result from the peace talks? 


Worse, you have perversely given the terrorists an incentive to kill more Israelis.  Because, the murderers know Israel will be forced to release them for merely to chance to sit with Abbas’ “peace” team. 


Ya’alon has Shelly’s Dadon’s blood on his hands.

I am Shelly Dadon.  I was murdered only because I was Jewish.  Ya’alon will one day release my murderers, enabling the murder of more Jews.

Published with permission of the author, originally appearing at Arutz Sheva/ Israel National News

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