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By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Israel recently released 52 of 104 imprisoned terrorists to accommodate the Palestinian Authority’s precondition to return to negotiations. Palestinian Media Watch documented that the terrorists, who were all murderers, were received by the PA leadership as heroes. As part of its ongoing glorification of the terrorists, PA TV interviewed Asrar Samrin who was serving a life sentence for the murder of Israeli Tzvi Klein (Dec. 3, 1991). The murderer explained that “the first question all Israeli media ask every released prisoner is: ‘Do you regret what you did or not?'” His answer was:

“Through the great PA TV, I say to the Israelis: There is no Palestinian who did something for the homeland and his nation who will regret it. We don’t regret what we did and we will not regret what we did.”


In another PA TV interview earlier this year, a prisoner who was released after having served 10 years explained how prisoners spend their time. In a striking statement that contradicts the Palestinian Authority libel about cruel conditions in Israeli jails, the prisoner explained that the “worst thing about Israeli prison” is when prisoners are transported on the prison bus and have to sit for a long time on a metal chair:

“The worst thing about Israeli prison is the torturous ride… when a man is driven to court or to the hospital or on any ride outside the prison… We prisoners call this ‘ride of torment’… This is beyond imagination… It it’s hard to convey the suffering. The prisoners sit on a metal chair, made entirely of metal, there’s nothing but metal inside it.”

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