An Arab journalist working for Palestinian Authority (PA) television was caught lying on a live PA TV broadcast in what was he portrayed as an altercation with an Israeli soldier, as a recording of the video made public by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) shows.

The video shows the reporter, dressed in a blue flak jacket with ‘Press’ written on it, covering a protest organized by “The Committee to Resist Settlements and the Wall” against US President Donald Trump’s Deal of the Century peace plan.


Standing next to a busy road, the PA TV journalist is told by soldiers to cross to the other side of the road to avoid being hit by oncoming traffic, one of the soldiers stating: “They’ll run you over. It’s your life. Go over here,” and adding “You’ll get killed. We’re looking out for you.”

Crossing the road the reporter turns to the camera, telling viewers that “one of the occupation soldiers” was making him cross the road making the false claim that this is an Israeli road and Palestinians are not allowed on it.”

PMW noted that “this is a classic example of how the Palestinian Authority lies to its own people to demonize Israelis and create hatred of them among Palestinians.”

It is worth noting that the Israeli officer and the PA TV reporter spoke in Hebrew to one another.

Israeli officer (in Hebrew): “Stand over there.”

PA TV reporter (in Hebrew): “We are journalists.”

Israeli officer (in Hebrew): “Journalists over there.”

PA TV reporter (in Hebrew): “Where?

Israeli officer (in Hebrew): “Across the street. They’ll run you over. It’s your life. Go over here.”

PA TV reporter (in Arabic): “As you can hear –”

Israeli officer (in Hebrew): “You’ll get killed. We’re looking out for you.”

PA TV reporter (in Arabic): “One of the occupation soldiers is making us move away on a false claim that this is an Israeli road and Palestinians are not allowed on it.”

[Official PA TV, Jan. 29, 2020]

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