Photo Credit: Jewish Press

It sounded like a great opportunity.

Having just returned from her year of seminary in Israel, Chava was anxious to see herself settled at a fulfilling job. When her friend Devorah told her about this opening at the firm she was employed at, Chava jumped. It was a high-paying position in an industry that was doing very well. And, she’d have great company while at it.


Without delay, Chava had her resume written up and forwarded. The next day, the secretary called her to schedule an interview.

Chava was delighted. She had a long conversation with Devorah that night, and they chewed over the ins and outs of the prospect. For all purposes, Chava already pictured herself behind the desk.

The next morning, Chava selected the most sophisticated outfit in her closet and pulled her hair together with a classy clip. She just had to strike the right impression. Deep down, she was also relying on the good word Devorah assured her she had given her boss when he’d asked for information.

She entered the posh office, exactly on time. The secretary told her to take a seat. There was a young woman, seemingly in her thirties, sitting on another chair. “Mr. Gross is running a bit late today,” the secretary told the two of them. “He’ll be seeing you in a couple of minutes.”

Chava glanced around. A couple of employees were hard at work, each one seated in her own cubicle. She saw Devorah in one of them, talking into her headset, her eyes glued to her computer screen. The phone was ringing nonstop and the secretary was deftly forwarding the calls. In the far corner, she noticed a walled-in desk with a glass window and a plaque that read, “Mr. Gross, CEO.” The décor was nice and the atmosphere seemed calm. Chava knew she’d love working here.

The woman seated near her cleared her throat. “So, I gather you’re also waiting to speak with Mr. Gross?”

“Uh huh,” Chava nodded.

“I wonder why it’s taking so long. I really rushed this morning to make it here on time… You know, I used to leave my house at 8:30 every morning. It was always a mad rush to get to work. And I managed to pull it off. But the last few weeks since I lost my job, I got used to sending my kids out calmly and relaxing with my coffee.” She gave a raw chuckle.

Chava shook her head as if to show she understood, while wondering where this monologue would lead. Was this woman also here for a job interview?!

“…but with five kids and a mortgage to pay, I can’t continue lounging around forever. I need to chip in and do mine, too… I sent my resume around a couple of times and I finally got called for an interview. I really hope this will work out…”

Chava clucked empathetically.

Just then, the secretary motioned for the woman to enter Mr. Gross’ office.

As she watched the woman’s receding back, Chava felt her heart lurch in inner turmoil.

This woman obviously needs this job. She needs to pay her bills. She’s got five mouths to feed. Her hopes are high.

Hey, my hopes are high, too! Everything is pointing at this position. It seems to be ideal beyond… I want it.

But, I feel for her. If she goes home without this job, she’ll be really down. Who knows if she’ll find another opportunity quickly?

Really, it isn’t my business. I came for my first interview and I want to be hired. Let the boss decide which of us is more suitable.

Chava was still mulling over her quandary when the woman walked out, her face adorned with a bright smile. It seemed everything had gone well during the interview. She probably had no clue that Chava was applying for the same job and seemed smugly assured that she’d be back soon at her own desk in this place.

“Ms. Polatsek?” the secretary shook Chava out of her reverie. “You can go in.”

Chava stood up. She straightened her shoulders, suddenly resolute. She would do the right thing. Before she even had a seat in Mr. Gross’s room, she blurted out, “I…I… I don’t need an interview. You can hire that woman. She really is counting on this job and I can just find another one.”

Mr. Gross wouldn’t hear of it. He told Chava to sit down and discussed the job and her credentials. As she stood up to leave, Chava reiterated, “I heard wonderful things about your office, Mr. Gross, but I don’t feel comfortable accepting the position if it means that woman won’t get the job. She has a family to provide for. If you’ll have another opening and I’ll still be available, you can be in touch with me.” And with that Chava left the office.

Devorah noticed her leaving and winked. She waved and motioned as if to say, “Check your phone, I’ll text you all about it.”

As Chava waited for the elevator, Mr. Gross was already on the phone, calling his wife. He just had to tell her that he found the perfect girl for their son, Eli. “She is so kind and soft-spoken, with a real heart of gold!” Mr. Gross was animated as he described the unusual selfless scene that had just unraveled in his office.

They got a shadchan involved and soon Eli and Chava were engaged.

She came for a job interview and landed a shidduch meeting instead.


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